Saturday, November 21, 2009

Chapter 7: Time is Money... How to max it


When it comes to 'time is money', Always remember the above formula.

Here is 4 ways whereby you can maximise your time:

1. It is not the no. of hours you work
Even if you work 18hours a day but does not produce any value, your income is still zero.
Value (0) x 18hrs = (0) income

2. Hire an administrative assistant
hire an administrative assistant to help you clear all the non-value work to free you for your more value-added work.

3. Spend 70% of your time on High value activities... 30% on low value stuff.
If you are a sales person, 8am to 5pm is your golden time when your actions must be generating high profits, developing new businesses, following up with customers, increase your product knowledge and so on.

Doing paperwork, organizing your files, surfing internet for research materials, sourcing for new customers and checking emails should be done AFTER office hours.

4. My Success Planner

Have a planner to know where you spend your time on.
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