Monday, November 9, 2009

Chapter 2: 7 Steps to Financial Abundance

In case you guys do not know what Financial Abundance means, i have google the meaning.

Financial Abundance = A lot of money

There are alot of ways to become a millionaire:

  1. He may have make his million in real estate

  2. She may have made her money by providing children's education

  3. some people can inherit their money

  4. Won lottery-Heng

  5. Have a marketable talent like singing

However, if you do not know how to protect your money, you will usually end up losing everything you have.

So it is important to start learning on the 7-steps formula to financial abundance. This is a skill that will stay will you forever.

Step 1: Adopt the million-dollar mindset

Millionaires think very differently, take different actions and produce different results.

E.g. When you see a piece of vacant land, what do you see?

Sand right?

A lot of people will see sand.

But millionaire see different things.

Millionaires will tell you that they see the tallest building. They will tell you that when the sand is mix with water gives you mud. Muds mix with heat gives you concrete and eventually concrete is use to build buildings...

So in short is : if you want to be a millionaire you got be a bit more crazier...

Step 2: Set Clear Financial Goals

Begin with a clear goal in mind.

Step 3: Create A Financial Plan

Step 4: Massively Increase Your Income

Step 5: Spend less than you earn

Step 6: Grow your money at millionaire returns

Step 7: Protect Your Fortune

Guys, this chapter is too boring.... you picture yourself from step 3 onwards ok? When i have time then i edit again.

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