Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Chapter 5: The 4 levels of Wealth

LEVEL 1: Financial Stability

You have achieved financial stability when:

  1. You have accumulated enough money to cover your current expenses for a minimum of 6 months.
  2. In addition, you have bought life insurance to protect you and your family's lifestyle should you be permanently disabled, unable to work or pass away.

LEVEL 2: Financial Security

You have achieved financial security when:

  1. you can stop working and maintain a very basic lifestyle.
  2. that means you have enough money to cover your MOST BASIC expenses, food,houses,etc.

LEVEL 3: Financial Freedom

You have achieved financial freedom when:

  1. you generate enough passive income to sustain your CURRENT LIFESTYLE.

  2. you being free of financial pressure & worries and work purely out of passion.

LEVEL 4: Financial Abundance

You have achieved financial abundance when:

  1. you generate enough passive income to sustain your DESIRED LIFESTYLE.
  2. you can live the life of your dreams, bungalow with swimming pool, travel round the world, etc...

Great! Now that you have a clear idea about the different levels of wealth that you can achieve, let's get started by learning how to accelerate our way there. In short, we will be learning how to massively increase our income...

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