Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Chapter 6: Commanding the Highest Price Tag

What Determines A Person's Income?

Why is it that one person is paid $3,000 a month and while another person is paid $30,000 a month?

The Ttue Definition of Income is:


A person's income is determined by the amount of value he/she creates multiplied by the time he spends creating value multiplied by the scalability factor.

So how can you Create Value?

There are only 2 ways you can create value for your company. Either:
  1. Help your company to increase sales or

  2. Help your company to reduce costs.

How to Translate Value into More Income?

Once you have created tremendous value, you can...

5 Steps:

  1. Ask for a Pay Increase ( Be confident that you are more than worth the increase!)

  2. Ask for a PROMOTION & Pay Increase ( When you have demonstrated that you can create more profits, they will be happy to give you a senior management position.)

  3. Ask for Profit Sharing ( if you dare)

  4. Ask for variable compesation

  5. Ask for Stock or Partnership ( if you dare)

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