Excercise Time: List down at least 5 reasons why becoming rich is important to you?
- ____________________________________________
- ____________________________________________
- ____________________________________________
- ____________________________________________
- ____________________________________________
Great! Have you done the exercise? If not , please write down AT LEAST 5 reasons before continuing.
Here is Million's list of reason why becoming rich is important.
- Financial Freedom***
- I want to travel round the world
- Give my family members and kids the best in the world
- Write my success story and publish out
- Die beautifully
- Live my life to the fullest
- Retire early
- Set up a business
- Drive Maserati

How many reasons did you write down? Did you write down less than 5, exactly 5, or more than 5?
- The Results:
- more than 5 = Excellect! You have a millionaire's mindset! YOU DO MORE THAN EXPECTED
- exactly 5 = Good but can be replace easily. YOU DO EXACTLY AS EXPECTED
- less than 5 = Poor and you are an expense. YOU DO LESS THAN EXPECTED
So once again, the 1st unbreakable wealth habit is to always do alot more than expected! Exceed expectations and your wealth will multiply massively.
2: Be Proactive
I will help you recall what is proactive.
Proactive people = They make things happen.
Reactive people = They wait for things to happen.
By having a proactive mindset, you put yourself in the position of power and choice. So be in control of your life now.
3: Take 100% Responsibility
Be in control of your life. Anything, just say YES first then think of solutions later...
4: Delayed Gratification
The key to 'delayed gratification' is patience. What keeps most people from becoming rich is the habit of wanting instant gratification. Instant gratification is the habit of always wanting to enjoy now and not having the patience to wait for future benefits. As a result, these people spend alot more than they invest.
Here are the 2 types of gratification:
- Instant Gratification ( Spend more than Invest ) HABITS OF THE POOR
- Delayed Gratification ( Invest more than Spend) HABITS OF THE RICH
E.g. Some people think nothing of spending $3,000 on a bag but think twice before buying a good book for $30! ( i do that...hai... don't follow me k)
So guys, let us develop the habit of delayed gratification- spend wisely- and we will be able to see our money grow.
"You can pay now and play later or you can play now and pay later. But either way, you're going to pay. The problem with waiting to pay later is that the price is higher because you pay it with interest." - John C.Maxwell
5: Do what You Love
You CAN became a millionaire in insurance, property, option tradings, pest-control, retail, food or internet marketing ONLY when you are one of the best.
You will find that in ANY industry, there will be a minority who will be making plenty of money, while the majority will be struggling to survive.
You may hear stories of property agents earning more than $1 million a year. Again, this is the minority. The majority will be just making enough to get by.
So, to be successful, love what you do. Successful individuals do not distinguish work from play. They love to do it so much that they would even do it for free. Thus, they keep working harder and harder.
a.The WRONG method:
- Work hard
- Make enough money
- Do what i love
b.THe CORRECT method:
- Do what i love
- Make money
- Continue to do what i love
So start asking yourself...
- 'What do i love to do?' What would i do even if i didn't get paid?'
- 'If i had all the money in the world, how would i spend my time?'
- 'Who are people who have made their fortunes around this passion i have?'
6: Acting with Integrity
Of cos there are unethical & unscrupulous rich people around, but incidentally, their wealth & businesses rarely last. ( rich people always have sad endings from TV dramas )
So always remember: RULE 1 - ' Be honet with people'
" It takes 20 years to build a reputation and 5 minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you'll do things differently." - Warren E. Buffett
7: Be 100% Committed
DO you want to be rich? Let me ask you another question: Are you 100% committed to be rich?
There is a very big difference between wanting to become a millionaire and being 100
% committed to becoming a millionaire. When you merely want, wish or hope to achieve a goal, it will rarely ever happen.
Studies have shown that, when you are 100% committed to a goal, it becomes a absolute MUST.
When something is a MUST, you will do whatever it takes to get it( of course its within your limits)!
(Tomorrow, i'm going to design my company name cards with the title 'Priscilla Tang-CEO'.)
This book is good. It says: Do whatever it takes to finish this book and apply what you learn, and i will guarantee that your wealth will multiply many-fold.
That means: i MUST finish the book.
8: The Ability to Turn Failure into Success
Most people have the impression that successful people never fail and that millionaires never lose money. This is a huge lie.
The truth is that everybody fails at one point or another.
In fact, millionaires fail more times than anybody else because they take so much more actions.
So everybody be prepared: You will fail many times before you ever succeed. What's important is what you do about the failure.
There are 3 ways:
- Give up
- Try again
- Change strategy
Which one did you choose?
1. Give up- You are not meant to succeed to become a millionaire.
2. Try again- ( Will you suceed eventually? The answer is : NO!!! ) This group of people may try and try again but they don't change their strategy. They keep making the same mistakes, doing the same things again and again. What's the point?
3. Change strategy- Little people with choose this. When you see failure, take it as a learning experience, a feedback, change your strategy and take action again. This group of people will do whatever it takes UNTIL they succeed.
9: Respect & Love Money
Exercise Time: Now write down as many answers to the following statements. Write down at least 40 ( that's right... forty!) associations.
Money is...
Having Money will...
Rich people are...
Other Beliefs/Associations about Money...
Give yourself a pat on the back for completing the exercise. I know it wasn;t easy, So what have you uncovered?
What beliefs or associations do you have about money? Are they positive or negative? Good or Bad? What beliefs do you have about rich people? Do you respect or resent them? Do you admire or loathe them?
If you resent rich people and think that they are bad, then your unconscious mind will NEVER allow you to become rich.
This is because if you become RICH, then you will become a 'bad person'.
Common Negative Beliefs about Money.Do you share any of them?
- Money is evil ( Actually, the lack of money is the root of all evil!!!! The NO.1 cause of murder, stealing, lying is -lack of money.) Hai... i always tell people that money is evil, now i'm wrong!!! No money then is evil!
- Rich people are materialistic. They worship money ( It is the poor people who lack money who worship it. Who works all day, year after year in a job which they hate, just for money? Who is wishing they had more money? Who is constantly worrying about money? Who are those who constantly scarifice their health and family to make more money? It is those who are rich or those who are poor? In fact, the rich rarely work for money. They work because of passion and a sense of personal mission. )
- Money will make you lose all your friends
- Rich people are greedy and selfish
- Rich people are stingy
- To get rich, you must be lucky,dishonest or really smart
- Money will not buy you happiness ( True. However, not having money will not make you happier as well. Isn't it better to be unhappy with money than unhappy without it?)
- Money isnt that important anyway
- Having more money means i will look down on people
- Having a lot of money will change you ( into a bad person) ( Money is a personality magnifier. It brings out the true person within you. If you are a selfish and nasty person by nature,having money will make you even more nasty and selfish. However, if you are a kind, genous and loving person deep down inside, money will magnify your goodness.)
- If i have more money, i will have more worries and problems
- There are less opportunities to make money nowadays
- Money isn't everything ( This is the top excuse given by poor people who are in denial. The truth is that everything is money. Without money, you cannot maximize other important values such as famiily, career, health, relationships.)
That's the end of this chapter, hope you have POSITIVE feelings about money now and becoming a money magnet soon!
Very tired.... i got to sleep. Good nite. Zzz
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